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Document Number:0903010
Title:Abstract of Title
Date:15 June 1907
For Sale:£30.00
Generally good, except for one sheet which is dog-eared at the edges
Paper : 9 sheets plus cover sheet 40cm x 33cm
Summary of contents:
William WALLIS the Elder of East Road,Cambridge. Innkeeper.
Kate Amelia DUCKSBURY of The Royal Hotel, West Hartlepool. Hotel Proprietor.
William James WALLIS of 19 East Road, Cambridge. Auctioneer.

The document is entitled "Abstract of Title of Mr William James Wallis and his Mortgagees to a piece of land and two cottages in Ross Street, Mill Road, Cambridge".

It appears to consist of a first batch of five sheets covering events in 1893-1905, and then three more sheets covering September 1905, with a final sheet, (this one in typescript), bringing it up-to-date to 1907.

It begins by reciting that William Wallis, (the elder), died in 1881 leaving two cottages in Mill Road, Cambridge, to his daughter, Kate Ameila Wallis. Then, in 1903, William James Wallis, (a brother of Kate), bought the cottages from her for £200.

All subsequent events are mortgages undertaken, transferred, or repaid, by William James Wallis.

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