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Document Number:0509074
Title:Lease for a Year
Date:11 May 1789
For Sale:�48.00
Very good for its age
Parchment : 1 sheet 35cm x 58cm with 2 wax seals and revenue stamps.
Summary of contents:
Marmaduke Nelson Graburn of Barton upon Humber, Lincolnshire. Gentleman.
William Graburn of Barton upon Humber, Lincolnshire. Gentleman.
Joseph Marris of Bawtrey Street Houses, Parish of Harworth, Nottinghamshire. Gentleman.
Marmaduke Nelson (deceased) of Beverley, Yorkshire. Esquire.

This is the first part of a sale by Lease and Release of "several freehold messuages, cottages, closes, lands" in the county of Lincolnshire (sorry - no more detail given on location).

We are told that this property originally belonged to Marmaduke Nelson who left it to his sister Ann Nelson for her lifetime and then to the three sons of his cousin Marmaduke Graburn. The three sons were Marmaduke and William (parties to this Indenture) and also James Graburn (since deceased).
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