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Document Number:0504158
Title:Copy of Conveyance
Date:08 July 1909
For Sale:£25.00
Good, consistent with age.
Paper : 9 sheets plus cover 32cm x 41cm Revenue Stamp.
Summary of contents:
The Right Honorable Alan de Fallon, Baron Egerton of Fallon, of Cheshire.
Thomas Whiteley of 180 Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton cum Hardy, Manchester, Lancashire, Builder.

Lord Egerton is conveying property in Chorlton cum Hardy, Lancashire to Thomas Whitely in perpetuity for a ground rent of £26 per annum. It is a plot of 2533 sq.yds. and is intended for building. Two streets called Dartmouth Road and Sandy Lane have already been laid out for that purpose. There is mention that the land came into the hands of Lord Egerton through the will of his grandfather Wilbraham Egerton.

This is an attested copy dated 2nd December 1909.

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