~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0504077
Title:Deed of Co-partnership
Date:17 August 1843
For Sale:£65.00
Good conistent with age - but dusty on outside cover
Parchment : 2 sheets 72cm x 62cm with 2 wax seals and signatures, with revenue stamps.
Summary of contents:
John CROPTON the younger of the Borough of Sunderland, County Durham. Mercer and Draper.
William Crosier of the Borough of Sunderland, County Durham.

John Cropton and William Crosier are forming a co-partnership to trade a Mercers and Drapers trading under the name of "Cropton and Crosier" at numbers 25 and 26 High Street, Sunderland. The partnership is to last for 13 years with the two partners having equal shares and each contributing £700 as the initial capital of the business.
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