~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0501070
Date:07 October 1901
For Sale:£15.00
Good consistent with age
Paper : 2 sheets (typed) 20cm x 32cm with signature of James Ash and Revenue stamp.
Summary of contents:
Thomas Nevett of Preston, Lancashire. Gentleman
Alan Chambre Dickson of Preston, Lancashire. Solicitor
James Ash of 89 Fishwick Parade, Preston, Lancashire. Superannuated Police Officer

Thomas Nevett and Alan Dickson are trustees of the will of Townley Rigby Knowles. As such they hold property in Knowles Street, Preston adjacent to that of James Ash. This is an agreement concerning the use of a doorway on sufferance which gives access between the two properties.

The summary and description of this document are being processed and will appear as soon as possible. If you wish to know details in the meantime, please contact familychest@aol.com by email and we will respond by return.
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