~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0411031
Date:22 July 1864
For Sale:£70.00
Parchment : 1 sheet 56cm x 70cm. 2 signatures with wax seals and duty stamps. Includes coloured plan in margin.
Summary of contents:
Hull Terrell of 30 Basinghall Street, London. (Gentleman)
William Thomas Carter of Kinburn Street, Rotherhithe, Surrey. (Cooper)

Land on the East side of Rotherhithe New Road, Surrey, adjoining a Public House 'The Jolly Gardeners', together with 3 dwelling houses, numbers 3, 4 and 5 Francis Terrace.

The document begins by reciting an indenture of 1852 in which Thomas Collyer Weatherstone gives a 99 year lease on the property to John Foster and John Cox at a rent of £9 per annum. Tten in 1853, Hull Terrell lends £859 to John Foster and John Cox against the security of this lease, with the proviso that the lease must be repaid by 21/07/1864. It has not been repaid and Hull Terrell is now assigning the residue of the term of the lease to William Carter for £275.
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