~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0411006
Date:25 December 1806
For Sale:£30.00
Fair. The paper copy of the will has untidy folds but the written side is very clean and in good condition for this age. The pendant probate seal has become separated.
Paper : 4 sheets. Copy of Will with grant of Probate 32cm x 37cm.
Summary of contents:
John Yates of Blackburn, Lancashire. Warper(?).

James Pemberton of Blackburn, Lancashire. Yeoman.
William Clayton of Blackburn, Lancashire. Yeoman

Elizabeth Yates, wife.
James Yates, son.
Elizabeth (daughter), the wife of James Byrnie of Blackburn. Joiner.

John Yates leaves his property in trust for his wife Elizabeth, and then to be divided between his son and daughter. The property consists of two dwelling houses at Snigbrook in Blackburn and 2 more at Limbrick in Blackburn. the total value is sworn to be under £20.
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email: familychest@aol.com