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Document Number:0904136
Title:Abstract of Title
Date:01 October 1889
For Sale:£31.00
Good consistent with age
Paper : 3 sheets 33cm x 42cm plus cover page
Summary of contents:
George Ernest JACKSON of Sabden, Lancashire

The document is titled "Abstract of Title of Messrs George E Jackson and Charles Laycock (the Executors of Richard Jackson deceased) to two Leasehold dwellinghouses in Every Street, Sabden".

It is clear that the property in question is Copyhold property of a manor in the HONOR of CLITHEROE. We are told that Richard RILEY was admitted to the property in 1855 but subsequently changed his name to Richard JACKSON. He died in 1888 having appointed his son George Ernest Jackson and Charles Laycock as Executors and Trustees. He left his property for the benefit of his wife Rachel Jackson during her life, but it was to be sold thereafter. Rachel Jackson died in March 1899.

It required a Court of Inquisition of the Manor, held in October 1899, to confirm that the Executors had good title to the residue of a 999-year lease on the property in question.
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