~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0804022
Date:24 June 1863
For Sale:£76.00
Very good
Parchment : 2 sheets 56cm x 68cm with 7 wax seals, 6 signatures and revenue stamps
Summary of contents:
George JOHNSON of Broseley, Shropshire. Gentleman.
Susanna Georgiana JOHNSON of Judd Street, Middlesex. Spinster.
William THURSFIELD of Broseley, Shropshire. Surgeon.
Richard THURSFIELD of Broseley, Shropshire. Surgeon.
John TREVIS of Madeley, Shropshire. Engineer.
Enoch LEADBETTER of Broseley, Shropshire. Auctioneer.
Susanna Ball BARTLETT of Marnwood, Shropshire. Widow

John Trevis and Enoch Leadbeatter are selling property in Madeley, Shropshire, to Susanna Bartlett for £430. The property consists of a parcel of land known as Brick Leasow and of 1 acre 20 perches with 2 dwelling houses which had been built on it by George Hussey.

We are told that George Hussey had mortgaged the property for £200 to William and Richard Thursfield in 1844. He mortgaged it again in 1846 for a further £100 in 1846 and this second mortgage is now in the hands of George and Susanna Johnson. George Hussey died in 1847 and his wife (then Susanna Corbett) sold the property to John Trevis and Enoch Leadbetter in 1850.

The two mortgages are being paid off as part of the present transaction.
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