~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0703002
Date:05 January 1914
For Sale:£50.00
Parchment : 2 sheets 60cm x 71cm with 3 wax seals, 3 signatures and revenue stamp. The second sheet is devoted to a plan of the property.
Summary of contents:
Robert Lloyd JONES of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. Gentleman.
James Corfield MEAKIN of East Shilton, Leicestershire. Farmer. AND Elizabeth his wife.

James and Elizabeth Meakin are buying property in Dadlington, Leicestershire, from Robert Jones at £3610. It consists of a farmhouse known as "The Poplars" with barns, outhouses, and 140 acres of land. A Schedule lists 23 parcels of land, with their names and acreages, which make up the total. A second Schedule lists 11 earlier Indentures between 1884 and 1914 which relates to this property.
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