~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0610015
Title:Articles of Agreement
Date:11 February 1813
For Sale:£18.00
Poor. Grubby and with tears along the folds. There may be one or more pages missing.
Paper : 3 sheets 40cm x 32cm on paper watermarked 1810
Summary of contents:
Henry BEST of Sutterton, Lincolnshire. Esquire.
Joshua IDEL of North Hyme, Lincolnshire. Grazier.

Henry Best is agreeing to give Joshua Idel a lease on 71 acres of land at an annual rent of £177/10/-d. The lease is initially for 1 year but may be continued from year to year on the same terms if both parties agree. The property conists of 7 parcels of pasture and arable ground in Sutterton Fen.

Much of the document is taken up with restrictions on the tenant in the interests of good husbandry. No timber, grass, straw or any manure may be taken off the property and it appears that there was originally a schedule to the document specifically in great detail what may be sown where.

At first sight the document is almost complete, since the third page ends with the usual final phrase "In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals". Unfortunately, it is clear that there is also a schedule missing.
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