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Document Number:0607010
Title:Lease and Release
Date:05 April 1837
Good consistent with age. The release is very grubby on the outside as folded, but otherwise good. The Lease is in excellent condition.
Physical description:
Parchment : LEASE - 1 sheet 40cm x 56cm with 1 wax seal, signature and revenue stamp. RELEASE - 2 sheets 59cm x 71cm with 3 wax seals, 3 signatures, revenue stamps, and large plan of the property on the reverse of second sheet
Summary of contents
The Rt Hon Edward JERVIS, Lord Viscount St Vincnet.
Thomas JERVIS of Middle Temple, London. Esquire.
Richard DUTTON of Aston, Parish of Stone, Staffordshire. Gentleman.

Richard Dutton is selling property in Aston in the Parish of Stone, Staffordshire, to Edward and Thomas Jervis. This sale is by Lease and Release, both documents being included here. Plans of the property are down on the back of the Release (unfortunatley somewhat faded, but still legible).

The 'sale' is infact in exchange for other property in the same parish conveyed by the two Jervis's to Richard Dutton.

Full transcription availaable.

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