~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0512087
Date:20 March 1816
For Sale:£60.00
Fair. Document is very brown with age and grubby on the outside but is otherwise in good condition
Parchment : 1 sheet 55cm x 71cm with 2 wax seals, 2 signatures and revenue stamp
Summary of contents:
James HOLMES of Chatham Gardens, Parish of St Leonard, Shoreditch, Middlesex. Carpenter.
Donald MacDONALD of Moneyers Street, St Leonard, Shoreditch, Middlesex. Carpenter.
John JOY of Upper Street, Islington, Middlesex. Shoemaker.

John Joy is paying £125 for a 90 year lease on property in Shoreditch at a rent of £3/3/-d per annum. Curiously, the £125 is paid to Donald MacDonald while the annual rent is paid to James Holmes. It seems that the lease is given by James Holmes " by the direction of Donald MacDonald to whom the ground was agreed to be demised ".
Website: www.familychest.co.uk
Email: familychest@aol.com