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Document Number:0504005
Title:Manor Court Document
Date:16 October 1899
For Sale:£42.00
Very good
Parchment : 1 sheet 38cm x 53cm signed by the Steward of the Manor but this is a copy which does not carry a revenue stamp.
Summary of contents:
George Ernest JACKSON of Regent Terrace, Padiham, Lancashire. Cotton Manufacturer.
Charles LAYCOCK of Sabden, Lancashire. Calico Printer.
James DAWSON of Shop Lane, Sabden, Lancashire. Boot and Shoe Maker.
Emma DAWSON of Shop Lane, Sabden, Lancashire. Wife of James DAWSON..
Richard JACKSON of Sabden, Lancashire. Machine Printer (deceased) formerly Richard RILEY of Sabden, Lancashire.

This document is a record of the Halmot Court of the Manor of Chatburn, Worston and Pendleton.

It tells us that George Jackson and Charles Laycock are the Executors of Richard Jackson (formerly called Richard Riley) late of Sabden, Lancashire. They are selling property in Pendleton, Lancashire, to Emma Dawson for £252 who is now being admitted to the Manor.

The property is a plot of land, formerly part of a close called 'The Holme' within Sabden in the township of Pendleton. It is bounded on the North side by the highway from Sabden to Whalley and contains 258 sq yards. It appears that Richard Riley acquired the property in 1855 and erected a dwelling house on it.

A memorandum on the back in 1922 records that the 'manorial incidents .............in respect of the leasehold interest' in this property were extinguished in return for compensation of £3/7/2d to the Lord of the Manor (which is the Clitheroe Estate Company Limited).

A further memorandum of 1936 records the assignment of the residue of a lease of 999 years on number 36 Whalley Road, Sabden, following the death of Mrs Emma Dawson.
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