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Document Number:0501087
Date:13 July 1863
SOLD - transcription available: £15.00
Very good. Exceptionally clean and neatly folded.
Physical description:
Parchment : 2 sheets 63cm x 74cm with 4 wax seals and revenue stamp.
Summary of contents
John Janson of Farfield, Parish of Addingham, Yorkshire, Gentleman.
Thomas Pickard of Exley Head, near Keighley, Yorkshire, Tanner and Farmer.
John Pickard of Flappet Spring, Near Bingley, Yorkshire, Gentleman.
Francis Petty of Otley, Yorkshire, Linen and Woollen Draper.
John Janson of Otley, Yorkshire, Tallow Chandler, deceased (d 1809).

The document begins by reciting the will of John Janson of Otley who died in 1809 leaving most of his property in trust for the benefit of his wife Ann. His trustees were his friends John Colburn of Otley, Plumber and Glazier, and Michael Gambling of Otley, Grocer. After the death of his wife, the principal beneficiaries were John and Ellen, the children of his brother Thomas Janson.

Ann Janson died in 1848. Ellen Janson married John Pickard in 1810 and died in 1858 leaving her eldest son, Thomas Pickard, as heir, although her husband John Pickard retained a life interest in the property.

Now, John Janson and Thomas Pickard, as heirs to the property of John Janson (the elder), have sold that property at auction to Francis Petty for £580. The property consists of an 'ancient' messuage and shop in the market place at Otley, with an adjoining cottage and land totalling 612 square yards.