~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0412013
Date:17 November 1911
For Sale:£21.00
This is an unusual document. The presence of seals and duty stamps implies that it is a completed legal contract. However, it is written in pencil with much crossed out as if it were only a draft. Otherwise complete, legible and in average condition.
Parchment : 2 sheets 26cm x 40cm 2 wax seals and duty stamps.
Summary of contents:
Ada Elizabeth Robin (formerly Redmill) wife of Ernest Clement Robin of 27 Claremont Road, Forest Gate, Essex.
Annie Marion Ince, wife of Samuel Caleb Ince of 4 Ridley Road, Forest Gate, Essex.

Ada Robin sells to Annie Ince the residue of a lease on a dwelling house and parcel of land numbered 147 Osborne Road, East Ham, Essex for £300.

The document begins by reciting an indenture of 1884 between Archibald Cameron Corbett and James Strachen which gives leave to James Strachen on the above property for 99 years at a rent of £5/12/- per annum. It then jumps 'by divers mesne assignments and acts in the law' to an indenture of 1902 in which Charles Slater sells the residue of the lease to Ada Elizabeth Redmill, spinster.
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